Jacob Rodzen


Newly Created Open Mic Club Holds their First Meeting

The newly created Open Mic Club held their first meeting on Oct. 4 during college hour at the RVCC arts building.

“So we just started this club and our idea is to bring live music events to campus, performed by students basically, so run and performed by students, so it gives musicians that are also students an opportunity to play in front of the rest of the student body and for the events,” said President Damian Juth.

At the meeting, refreshments such as apple cider and donuts were offered as club members performed original music and covers both through singing and on a variety of musical instruments such as guitar, piano, and drums.
“Awesome. I love the idea for this club,” said Director of Student Life Russell Barefoot.

The club usually meets every other week in room A32 of the Arts Building and more information can be found on their Discord server, which is accessible through RVCC’s Discord Student Hub.


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